6.9.202210:00-13:30|Views: 5
As part of celebrating 10 years since being World Design Capital, the City of Helsinki is organizing an event during Helsinki Design Week on the role of design in cities. We will discuss with cities and key design organizations in Helsinki and beyond what has happened in the past 10 years in cities using design and what do we expect for the future.
The seminar language is English.
13.00 Introduction, Chief Design Officer Hanna Harris, City of Helsinki
13.10 Keynote, Indy Johar, Dark Matter Labs
14.00 The role of design in cities
Päivi Hietanen from the City of Helsinki, Anni Orttenvuori-Ganter from the City of Espoo
and Sara Ikävalko from the City of Lahti discuss the role of design and challenges in cities. Xavi Calvo Lopez brings us greetings from the World Design Capital 2022 Valencia.
15.00 The view to the future
Anna Valtonen from Aalto University, Kaarina Gould from the New Architecture and Design Museum project and Mikko Koivisto from Digitalist Group discuss future perspectives of design.
15.30 Keynote Linda Liukas, author, illustrator and educator.
16.00 Closing words, Chief Design Officer Hanna Harris, City of Helsinki