Nordic CityMaking Week - Downtown Helsinki 17.9.2020 kello 9.00
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Nordic CityMaking Week - Downtown Helsinki 17.9.2020
2 h 40 min
Kan ses tills: Unlimited
Publiserat 21.09.2020
Varaktighet 3h 9min

In Helsinki we explore how to build a city with many vibrant thriving centres. During 'Downtown Helsinki' on Thursday morning we look for ways how to revitalize the hardcore city centre and how culture and commerce can together strengthen urban life. Participating in this topical conversation are:

  • Deputy Mayor Anni Sinnemäki / City of Helsinki (FI)
  • Peggy Bauer / Helsinki City Markkinointi ry (FI)
  • Pärtel-Peeter Pere / Future Place Leadership (SWE/EE)
  • Soumia El Ghazouani / NCC (FR/SWE)
  • Raoul Grünstein / Nordic Urban (FI)
  • Eeropekka Rislakki / Viisi Tähteä (FI)
  • Tomi Aimonen / Ilmarinen (FI)
  • Tiina Pasuri / Helsinki Chamber of Commerce (FI)
  • Vesa Olkkola / Uusi Eliel (FI)
  • Leena Pihlajamäki / YLVA (FI)
  • Hanna Harris / City of Helsinki (FI)
  • Salla Vallius / City of Helsinki (FI)

The event will end with an interview with Mayor of Helsinki Jan Vapaavuori.